Hookah Accessories To Enhance Your Experience

18 October 2021
 Categories: Smoking, Blog


Once you have your own hookah, you are likely to find yourself smoking more often. And while smoking will always have some appeal, you may find it gets a little mundane after a while. Hookah accessories can help with that. In particular, here are four different accessories to consider buying in order to keep your smoking experience exciting.

Disposable Tips

When you smoke with a group, having to gather and wash all of the glass tips after a smoking session can dampen your experience. Disposable tips can make life much easier. When you and your friends are done smoking, you can gather up all the disposable tips and put them in the trash, then go right back to relaxing and socializing. Generally, disposable tips come in big bags, so you will have enough for many parties before you have to re-buy.

Funnel Bowls

Funnel bowls are shaped like a funnel. The holes are spread out through the funnel rather than all being positioned at the bottom. This arrangement causes the smoke to enter your hookah more evenly, which results in a cleaner and stronger flavor. Funnel bowls also prevent juice from dripping down into your pipe from the burning shisha, so they minimize your cleaning time. A funnel bowl is a great hookah accessory to add to your collection and one you will probably find yourself using more often than not.

Freezer Hoses

If you enjoy smoking cool smoke more than hot smoke, then this is an accessory well worth buying. Made from silicone, freezer hoses are designed to go in the freezer. A layer of liquid inside of the hose freezes. Then, when you smoke through the hose, the smoke has lots of time to cool off before reaching your mouth. The result is a less harsh smoking experience.

Hookah Tongs

A pair of hookah tongs will make it much easier for you to move and adjust charcoal, both before it is lit and after. As such, you will have more control over your smoking experience. In addition, you will not have to worry about burning your fingers.

The accessories above are definitely good ones to look for the next time you are in a smoke shop. None of them are overly expensive, so do not be afraid to buy them and give them a try. You will find that you enjoy smoking even more. To learn more, contact a company like Lavoo Glass Hookah.